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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  January 31, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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have to wonder why who is the heck is this kid and why can't somebody get him a haircut. >> brett: for all the bieber fans you can tweet me. that is it for this special report. fair and balanced and unafraid. new health care law ruled unconstitutional. tonight the word from the judge and what it means. plus desperate effort to bring americans home in egypt. >> tear gas and water guns. >> shep: some have already gotten out. >> it was a feeling of relief. >> it's good to be home and everything like that. >> shep: but thousands of americans are still stranded in
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the chaos. tonight, the race to escape egypt. >> plus, ready for more snow? >> i'm tired of it. >> a new storm expected to the affect dozens of states and more than 100 million americans. so get ready for the latest sequel to snow-megeddon. >> this one is different. could be the biggest winter storm that cities have seen in years and now they are telling us maybe even decades. this one is enormous. chicago office of emergency management warns snow totals could be the highest since two feet buried the city back in 1967. when all is said and done. storm is expected to affect one-third of the nation, dropping snow from colorado to
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the northeast and further areas to the south with rain, sleet and ice and in the middle of it all, a 1600 mile swath, all of it purplish area where forecasters say more than a foot of snow will pile up. mayor seems to be taking things in stride. >> it doesn't matter. we know the snow is coming. you get set. >> shep: this is video that just came in past few minutes. you can see how the storm is turning roads into ice in nebraska. it's forecast to hit many others which managed to dodge the last storm the one that moved up the east coast. rick riechmuth is tracking the story tonight from denver where temperatures have plummeted? >> let me tell you it got to 67 degrees on friday, right now it's 6 degrees.
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60-degree drop by tomorrow night. we'll probably get down to minus 15 or minus 20. so many states are under a winter weather advisory. we have all kind of winter storm warnings from new mexico all the way through connecticut and parts of new england. you see the big swath of red, those are blizzard warnings from oklahoma city all the way up to milwaukee and chicago getting the brunt of this. anywhere to the south, we're talking about a lot of rain. when you look at the snowfall totals and ice projections from this storm we're going to be talking about heavy rain in the south and then very heavy swath of snow from places like oklahoma city toward chicago. to the south of that, from around st. louis through indianapolis over towards columbus, ohio and pittsburgh, icing on limbs, on cars, on buildings. it could be around half an inch to an inch thick. it's going to cause widespread power outages that could
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potentially keep people without power for a week. so it's going to be ice all over the ground and some areas to the north of that, chicago places like detroit dealing with up to two feet of snow. it it will be strongest storm we've seen all season. >> shep: rick riechmuth live in denver. >> first the battle over president obama's healthcare overhaul is one step closer to the supreme court. a major ruling, a judge has struck down the entire law. it's now ruled unconstitutional to require americans to buy health insurance. that is just one part of the law. this afternoon, a chief analyst explains why the judge threw the whole law out. >> he then ruled that because there is no sever built clause, meaning one parted is unconstitutional the whole thing is, therefore the entire act is
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unconstitutional. >> shep: the judge in florida let the health care overhaul stay on the books while the white house appeals. >> four federal judges have ruled, four against. >> phil is live in the courthouse in pensacola tonight. the judge wrote his ruling really isn't about the healthcare system at all? >> no. judge roger vincent the case was about federalism and most of the 78-page ruling discussing federal effort arguments, u.s. constitution as well as u.s. commerce clause. this law by far the most prominent and biggest of all the challenges of president obama's healthcare law filed by 28 states. the key complaint, the individual mandate where congress penalizes any american who fails to buy health insurance. >> this is basically regulating
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non-economic activity. and if they can regulate something you are not doing, that would broaden the powers beyond what the framers intended to be. >> reporter: after lake it over siblings weeks, they says it violates the u.s. commerce clause. >> shep: 26 states and white house staff says the ruling amounts to judicial activism which is a favorite phrase of the conservatives. >> reporter: a nice opportune table calling him an activist judge. keep in mind the obama administration lost half of this particular case. the other half the states were complaining was exertion of their powers the judge ruled they did not prove their argument. so the obama administration prevailed but ultimately because the mandate was ruled
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unconstitutional. this is already being heard in the sixth circuit of appeals and this case goes to the length. those are being expedited so you will hear arguments in sixth circuit in may, so instead 2012 this they will take the case, they could get it in 2011 session. >> shep: we're keeping a close eye on the situation in egypt after the military made a major announcement. the troops will not use force against protestors. that word from a spokesman who says the military recognizes the legitimacy of people's demands. that was the scene in cairo's main square just hours ago as demonstrators defied a curfew. similar show doups are happening
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all over egypt but what we are learning, many are quite peaceful. no more signs of riot police battling protestors with rubber bullets. the police are gone. still officials in cairo are not taking any chances. we're told a small number of heavily armed united states marines have arrived as reinforcements just in case. all of this happening as egypt's capital prepares for what they believe to be the largest demonstration yet. let's go to dominic streaming live from cairo. >> reporter: shep, you know three times as many people as yesterday turned up to the square just behind me here in central cairo today, but their anger towards hosni mubarak, the president who won't resign, is more of a frustration of concrete efforts by the international community to intervene, especially america. >> how we have suffered.
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people are suffering. they should do something. >> today in egypt, the government's revolt here in cairo, the protestors swelled in even greater numbers rejecting the new government as they were sworn in. >> there is a sense of momentum behind me, these common stimulations, three times as many people as yesterday and now here at the square they will be here all night. the aim is to have the biggest protest we've seen since the unrest began. >> million strong march on the capitol is being called for on tuesday. it would be a monumental rally even if a few hundred thousands turned up. >> the government has closed down the network in anticipation more tanks have been mobilized and soldiers are taking a tougher line as protestors.
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>> we're expecting the crowds to start amassing in about 7 hours time. we are in a tense and volatile situation here but the military says it won't use force against the public, it's too hard to tell what exactly will happen. back to you. >> shep: this crisis in egypt could have an effect on each and every one of us when it comes to the prices we pay for energy. just ahead the instability in the oil market, the numbers that came out today. what it could mean for the cost of gasoline. in the wake of the tucson supermarket shooting, a team goes under cover at an arizona gun show. tonight the sting operation aimed at exposing those that break the law. that is from the journalists of fox news. to homes across america and in 110 countries around the world, this is the fox report.
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>> shep: our leaders are walking a fine line when it deals with this crisis in egypt. it's calling for an orderly transition to democracy, but the white house will not say whether it means president mubarak has to go. >> that is not for our country or our government to derl. i don't think that people that see greater freedom are looking for somebody else to pick them. >> shep: that is the public word but behind the scenes, the united states is pushing hard for free elections in september without hosni mubarak on the ballot. wendall goler is live at the white house. they are insisting they are sending the same message in public and private but you know. >> they think it amounts to the same message. people of egypt should decide who their leader is and the folks believe that have decided
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they don't want to it to be hosni mubarak but they don't want to publicly push for his ouster. now they have decided we're pretty much beyond. secretary of state clinton says we want exactly what the protestors are seeking. former u.s. ambassador to egypt we're slow off the mark but he says mrs. clinton is pretty much on track now. >> i think that yesterday when the secretary started talking about the need for transition, peaceful transition, she is signaling that we are no longer advocating for president mubarak that he has to stick around. >> president obama has sent another ambassador to egypt to press for democratic reforms. he served in the regulate and a first bush plgsdz and he has close relations with egyptians
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bottom in and out of government. >> shep: we do give them a lot of money each year, it gives united states a little bit of a push, doesn't it? >> before the wars in iraq and afghanistan, egypt was the second biggest recipient of foreign aid. most of it was military aide so most important talks is going on with gates and mike mullen and his counterpart in egypt. both them and the president making it clear that continued aid depends on the egyptians getting it right. also today, democratic senator bill nelson of florida says it's important the egyptians get right the transition of the change of government and prevent a collapse that could put a more radical group. mr. mubarak will have to go but not without an exit strategy without opening the door for
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extremists. nelson says that the september elections will be open for all contenders and also promise his own name won't be on the ballot. >> shep: wendall, thanks. >> where are you on on gun control? the mayor of new york city says it's way to to easy with a person with a questionable background to buy a gun and he unveiled a new video of under cover investigators at a gun show in phoenix that comes after the shooting of gabrielle giffords and 18 other people at a tucson event. >> background check, al backed check? >> no. >> it's good because i probably couldn't passes it. no background check? >> no, i probably couldn't pass it $450, right. >> while it wasn't illegal to sell guns the mayor said they violated the gun by not halting the sales when they had a reason
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to believe they couldn't pass a background check. the mayor calls eight dangerous gap in the law. >> i think the footage we have seen clearly demonstrate the need for a better system that respects the second amendment while up holding the law designed to protect innocent americans. >> shep: gun advocates says it exempts people who only occasionally sell guns from doing background checks at all. gun advocates says the rule can't be considered a loophole in the law. now to the showdown in chicago in mayor's race, leading candidate, former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel. he cast his vote today. peontsd claim he gave up his residency when he went to washington. state supreme court ruled otherwise. it shows him in the lead. current mayor is retiring after more than two decades in office.
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election day, february 22. >> she was just doing her job, guarding a prison chapel when somebody strangled the life out of her. now police pick a suspect from a group of violent criminals. plus the feds have a suggestion on how you season your food. they are looking at you salt lovers. hello, government. what can we have for dinner? that is next.
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>> shep: salt is not so good for you. federal government has come out with that and new dietary guidelines for americans. departments of agriculture and health and human sercies secretary have teamed up for this. they say they drastically lower
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sodium intake to half a sea spoon a day. who needs to do it. in, people over the age of 51 and african-americans and everybody suffering from kidly disease. laura ingle is live. what do they take the salt away from us and tell us what to eat? >> when you look at stats, two-thirds of adults and one-third in children are overweight or obese, the government is encouraging some serious changes. right now, currently the average american consumes about 3400 milligrams of sodium a day. that number should be around 2300 milligrams. that according to the new registerss which also suggest a 20-30% reduction of fats. and refined grains, eat more dark green and red and orange
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vegetables over salty foods, pretzels can contain 486 milligrams. a small order of french-fries contain 161 milligrams of sodium. one recent study found that it can affect your arteries in 30 minutes making it harder for blood to pump through the veins. so another reason to step away from the fries. >> shep: this is good advice but more than putting the salt down? >> there are all kinds of hidden pieces of sodium, catch up, a tablespoon as 167 milligrams of sodium. even a slice of whole wheat bread can contain 132 milligrams. it's all about keeping an eye on the ingredients. >> almost anything you buy in the supermarket that is pre-packaged, its bag of trail mix can be loaded with salt.
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just because it has a vegetable like a care on the or fruit doesn't mean it doesn't have salt in it. >> more advice out and health and human services which will include an updated food pyramid. somehow, this probably won't be on it. >> shep: cops are saying somebody murdered a female correction officer inside a chapel of a washington state prison. jamie bindel was strangled to death with a microphone cord. it happened about 30 miles north and east of seattle. according to a police spokeswoman, a primary suspect an inmate serving a life sentence for rape and kidnapping. guards reported him missing during a routine count and later told officers he was trying to escape. officials say the victim had raised concerns about being the only one on duty at that chapel. >> beautiful young woman has been murdered.
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it shouldn't have happened. we've been complaining about the safety of our members who work inside the prisons with the budget cuts and staff reductions it's, you know, it's dangerous. it's always dangerous work but this is exactly the kind of thing we were fearful that would happen. >> shep: it's the first killing of a guard in the hundred-year history. >> chaos in cairo, thousands of americans trying to get out of there. there are not enough flights and not enough airport workers to deal with the mess. a live update on our top story at the bottom of the hour and cocaine. cocaine the size of tennis balls apparently that is what they were serving charlie sheen at the latest porn star party. we'll hear from her and how long he may be in rehab and what it could mean on the television show that he is paid the highest
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it's a small plane. updates as we get them on fox report. >> i'm shepard smith and this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour, time for top of the news. thousands of americans trying to get out of egypt amid riots. airport in cairo is said to be quite a mess and screaming matches and fist fights as the number of evacuees far exceeds the number of seats on departing flights. 2600 american citizens have requested assistance to get flights out of there. they evacuated 1200 americans today and they say another 1400 will leave in the coming days. taking direct flights to cypress or turkey or greece. one of those flights arrived in new york this evening and one of the passengers describes all the confusion in cairo. >> there was a lot of people not knowing what was happening.
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there was no internet service. a lot of cell phone services was off. >> shep: one american who made it out of there said the workers at her hotel came out with knives and bats to keep protestors from looting guests in the hotel. jontd hunt is in new york tonight. >> there are tens of thousands of foreign citizens still in egypt tonight, many that are desperate to get out of the country but getting out is anything but easy. >> we got ourselves to the airport. it took us three hours, blocked traffic, tanks blocking the road. got to the airport and it's a nightmare. >> we were very concerned there was no warning from the state department. we can't imagine with all connections some sort of warning. our hotel which is well guarded
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but we heard gunfire and we were very terrified. >> several airlines have gotten their largest aircraft to help speed the exodus. there aren't enough seats for everyone to get up and americans caught up in the violence say its frightening experience. >> real danger. there was tension, we were concerned but we didn't fear for our lives. >> the u.s. military has flown dozens of embassy officials and families to cypress and more or the way. china is sending four planes to pick up the 500 or so chinese nationals stranded in cairo. 320 indian citizens were flown out aboard a special air india flight. the u.s. state department and british government have warned
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against all about essential travel to egypt. >> even the iraqi government sent three planes to rescue its citizens from the turmoil and bring them home to the relative calm of iraq, a sure sign of the changing geopolitical landscape. >> shep: we're getting this in, moments ago out of san francisco listen to this -- google incorporated has just announced that it has launched a new service for people in egypt to send twitter messages without an internet connection. they have shut down the internet all over that country in the middle of the protest to calm them but google has figured a way around it. what they are going to do, it allows them to dial a phone number, leave a voice mail and that voice mail is automatically translated into a message on twitter. so we should be getting more information out if only the people in egypt can learn about it.
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we're half a world away from the political instability but it could have a direct impact on us especially wait we pay for energy. oil prices surged today as traders worried about whether the unrest could spread to other oil producing nations and whether it could disrupt supplies. nearly 2 million barrels of oil pass through egypt suez canal and parallel pipeline that carries another million barrels a day. if those were to shut down, they would have to haul it away around the continent of africa. sandra smith, energy prices have been all over the map in recent days? >> pretty much a ten dollar trading range. we were seeing oil $85 last week and it's been as high as $93 we saw in trading today. take a look at this chart. you'll see the dip over the past ten days or so.
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what basically happened all the hedge funds, big investors were cutting their bullish bets in oil. investors were getting out of oil and gold but now all this political unrest in egypt has all of them running back into the oil market. it hit a 27-month high today. >> shep: $93? >> yeah, on the way up. >> shep: but they are concerned that it's spreading to the neighboring countries? >> jp morgan released a note on this saying if this civil unrest were to spread to other middle east countries, possibly northern african countries it could have a significant impact on oil prices, presumably put them higher. meanwhile, shepard, the oil operation in egypt is continuing as usual today but some
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international oil companies have shut down in cairo but it's business as usual but all the speculation about the possible shutdowns of those two pipelines pushes oil prices higher. >> shep: shares of oil companies surged today. it comes after exxon mobil reported the most profitable quarter since 2008. there was also a positive report on spending and by the closing bell all the major indices were up half a percent. dow was up 68. nasdaq and s&p 500 also up. >> for more on the crisis in egypt check out our website at new for you there, a slide show of images the past week as egyptians gear up for what they will be the biggest day yet. first those chilean miners, they were tramd thousands of feet underground, what are they going to do now?
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they are going to disney world. details on the trip and the honor they just got just ahead. plus, a grim discovery south of the united states border, body burned beyond recognition. homeland security secretary is warning drug cartels on both sides of the border, wart there is next. the war there is next. we know why we're here. to build a new generation of airplanes to connect the world. ♪ airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel.
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>> shep: document spilling website wikileaks is raising questions about the lockerbie bomber. according to britain's did he live graph pipe, a cable shows that a british official coached the libyan government on how to get the bomber out of his life sentence. you'll recall a scottish judge freed him on compassionate grounds after doctors said he had three months to live. he is still breathing and still free. the year before his release a
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british foreign office minister sent a letter to the libyan government which details legal advice on how to secure a compassionate release under scottish law. he remains the only person ever convicted of the pan am bombing that killed 278 people. >> police in mexico say the six bodies were so badly burned they could not determine the case of death. reportedly that is exactly what the drug cartels hitmen wanted. cops in montgomery monterey said they found the victims on the ground, six mile drive from texas. reportedly hundred people have died in the area including 20 officers since the first of the year each reportedly a victim of the drug war. trace gallagher is in our newsroom. they are vowing to fight back. >> they are in some cases but in some cases the police are giving
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up altogether in a city just outside of monterey, the entire police force 38 men resigned. 28 police officers have been killed since january, last year, 75 were killed and that also was a record. so fewer police on the streets of mexico means more stress for u.s. law enforcement authorities. homeland security secretary janet napolitano warned them to stay out of the u.s. >> you will be met by an overwhelming response. we of going to continue to work with our partners in mexico to dismantle and defeat you. >> the mexican government says 34,000 people have died in drug violence since 2006. >> shep: it seems this violence is really shifting there? >> it is shifting because the cartels are fighting each other for those very coveted drug corridors. one of those runs right through
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the state of nuevo leorn and once the drugs get on the side of the border there is a major freeway that leads right to san antonio. so the experts say if you control that corridor you get your drugs to market faster which can be very lucrative. >> trace live in los angeles, thanks. disney world getting a warm welcome to 33 chilean miners a few months after they spent 69 days under ground. president and ceo making good on his offer to cover the costs for the miners and their families. miners today served as grand marshals for a special parade. to top things off, disney gave them $500 gift cards. >> then they went to the staples center and beat the lakers 93-86 -- not really.
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new details on charlie sheen on the porn party. casey jordan says she got $30,000, a check for attending that party. but apparently that was not enough from talking to the press. she tells the abc news a wrecked sheen started smoking chunks of cocaine while wearing a white shirt covered in wine. she says, and i quote, i thought maybe it was almost like a suicide binge adding that he only smoked cokes he never does lines, unquote. the tmz reports that two and a half men star will spend months in rehab getting treatment in his own home. that could leave a number of crew members without jobs. just last season, two and a half men pulled in an estimated $155 million. >> shep: chaos? egypt didn't happen overnight. the situation has been had there
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in the makings for decades. and iran released sarah shourd last september but there was condition, she had to return for the spy trial for her friend and fiance. now iranians say she has a big decision to make. that is just ahead. plus... and once he did start falling he did not stop. believe it or not he survived a 1,000 foot fall. we'll report, you decide coming up. [ male announcer ] ntgomery and abigail haggins had a tree that borthe most rare and magical fruit, which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had gen its last.
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>> shep: the government in iran let an american hiker free a few months ago and now it wants her to come back, to return iran to
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stand trial. you'll recall that the three are said to be hiking on the iran iraq border. iranians arrested them accused them of spying. the guys remain in the prison there and iran released shourd. but now an iranian prosecutor wants bower's fiance to come back. they say they freed her for humanitarian reasons. iran says they will seize $500,000 bail if she doesn't show. >> we've been tracking the protest in egypt for about a week. it may seem they snowballed quickly but the reality tensions have been simmering for some time long before they finally erupted. john roberts is live tonight in london. >> simmering for 30 years. to really understand how we got to where we are today, you have to go back to 1981 and
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assassination of egyptian president anwr sadat that is when hosni mubarak came to power and reinstated the state of emergency that has been in place in egypt ever since. it's the state of emergency that really has been the iron fist for mubarak that is tha has seen 30 years of political representation, censorship, corruption, economic exclusion of some 42% of the 80 million strong population and brutality of the interior ministry police force. all of it's boiling out with people on the streets saying they want a shot at real democracy. its critical moment for egypt. it's very important moment for the united states. an author that wrote a book called the last pharaoh. he says the arab world is watching what happens but also
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is looking at the white house's response to it. >> its critical moment that we need to send a message to the egyptian people and saying we on the right side of history, we are for freedom and democracy and respect of human rights. you deserve freedom like any other people. >> reporter: at the moment it doesn't appear to be a question of whether or not mubarak is going to stay but a matter of how he goes and how long that is going to take and how it will all unfold. i will it be an orderly transition? it could be marked by conflict and collapse that could throw the entire region into chaos. >> shep: john, thanks a lot. >> another massive snowstorm is on way. folks in one-third of the nation may need to brace themselves. where is it going? [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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for a 30-tablet free trial offer, everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. [ both screaming ] i got into one of the most expensive schools in the country! [ male announcer ] when stress gives you heartburn with headache. alka-seltz gives you relief fast. [ low male ] plop, plop. [ high male ] fizz, fizz. >> shep: amid the looting and chaos across egypt. some protestors are making
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themselves heard in a different way and they top the news as we go around the world in 80 seconds. >> egypt, taking to the streets of cairo with a gentler tone. this man flying the colors of egypt's flag over the city what he calls a peace kite. he says he wants his homeland to get better. australia -- cyclone anthony making landfall in queensland which has suffered deadly flooding. storm uprooting trees and knocking down power lines and forecasters report that a larger one will hit the area on thursday. some officials it could be the worst ever to hit the region. >> venezuela, a fire at an arms factory killing one person and injuring three more. evacuating hundreds near the facility. the cause was not clear. >> united kick come a climber
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falls one thousand feet down a mountain and survived. he says he lost his footing and hit a series of cliffs as he approached the last one. >> i could see what was coming. >> rescuers say when they found him he was standing up reading a map. doctors say he can still walk despite the fact he broke his back in three places, today the hospital let him go. that is a wrap on fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> a monster storm making its way across the nation ahead of sunday's big game. this could be one port record books. forecasters say it will hit dozens of states and affect more than a hundred million americans. katie, what about it? >> i'll tell you what, we've got some snow right through the midwest.
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one to three inches. it's not a terrible mess but here is what will be the mess. it's getting it's act over the four corners. you can see it blossom in the last fewer hours. this is going to be a nightmare tomorrow. severe weather, blizzard, icy mix, probably this storm is one that is going to define the season. talking about the blizzard some of the worst, oklahoma city, st. louis, and tomorrow night detroit and chicago. up to a foot in those spots. further south you've got the ice. this is going to be a big concern for a couple of reasons, not just for travel worries but also the threat of power outages because you only need half an inch of accumulating ice to lead to a crippling storm. on top of it all you've got severe weather further south, flooding rain, all very big concern out of this. mississippi looks like it may be the target zone, however, and
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all that with a tornado outbreak. on this day back in 1961, chimp was the first animal that went into orbit. ham was specifically trained for this mission. they hope the primate would show that space flight was safe for humans. so they trapped him into a special capsule and up he went. it was comical. launch didn't go into plan and capsule fell back into earth and sank in the atlantic. our man ham popped out safe and sound. the reward, an apple and half an orange and the chimp had something to scream about. now you know the


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